Advance electronic presentation of cargo information (EPI)

WestTransLine Group guided by Article 42 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union offers the services of advance electronic presentation of cargo information (EPI) to the customs authorities of the Republic of Belarus on goods intended for movement through the customs border and vehicles of international transport carrying such goods.

The procedure of advance electronic presentation of cargo information is defined by Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus No. 95 dated 4 September 2007 On Procedure of Advance Electronic Presentation to Customs Authorities of the Republic of Belarus of Cargo Information Including Vehicles Moved across the Customs Border of the Republic of Belarus (as amended by Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus No. 14 dated 23 April 2010).

When performing the advance electronic presentation of cargo information, we guarantee:
  • execution of EPI by certified experts;
  • flexible rate policy;
  • daily reception and processing of applications;
  • prompt services;
  • responsible and attentive attitude to your wishes and problems.